The following is information about the attachment for our e-learning students

Field Attachment

The aim of Field attachment is to give students a chance to showcase their acquired skill in the job/work force. Students will go for attachment after finishing their third year of study. Students are asked to consult their course catalogs to know whether they are required to go for field attachment. Here is a summary of the activities that happen before and during the attachment period,

  • lists of the students who are to go for attachment are compiled and sent to the respective departments.
  • The Departments prepare introduction letters for the affected students that are then sent to the students. These letters are supposed to help students in their search for attachment institutions/organizations.
  • After getting institutions/organizations where they will be attached, It is mandatory for students to send the details of the institution/organization to the department before they start their attachment. This information includes the physical address of the institution and the contacts of your supervisor there who can be contacted by the supervisor at any time within the attachment period.
  • The department then allocates supervisors who are supposed to visit the students in the attachment institution/organization and assess them. Remember you have to be assessed for you to successfully complete the unit. The supervisor
  • The students are also enrolled in courses that guide them in the course of their attachment period.
  • While on attachment, the students are supposed to keep a record of their daily activities in the attachment logbook that is issued before they go for attachment.
  • After completion of the attachment, the student are required to write a report of the attachment (they are enrolled in a course that guides them on the same)